Registering your works

In order to receive royalties, you must first register your works with SACEM. It makes sense: SACEM must know about your works so they can identify them.


There are several types of work:

  • If you have written and composed an entire piece yourself: submit your creation (electronic upload or hard copy).
  • If you have sampled a royalty-free work: when registering your work, specify the origin of the samples (the address of the sample site) that you used (hard copy form).
  • If you have sampled a copyrighted work: you must obtain authorisation from the rightholders of this work before submitting it (in hard copy).
Registering your works
Electronic or hard copy submissions:
Hard copy

There are some types of work that cannot currently be registered online at Please submit hard copies for these.

All forms can be downloaded in PDF format from (Brochures and documents/Forms for registering works). Make sure you print out all the pages. Some forms can be completed by typing directly on the PDF.


What media files should I attach to my submission?

  • For a hard copy submissions, you should send a CD and, if appropriate, the score of the work as well as the lyrics. For published works, don't forget to include the transfer and publishing contract.
Online submissions

Upload your work in your member's account on

More information (My member account/My dashboard/Registering a work online).


Registering works online


What media files should I attach to my submission?

  • For online submissions, you should attach an MP3 or WAV file, as well as any lyrics as a PDF.
Electronic or hard copy submissions:
What kind of submission for what kind of work?
Provisional registration

Provisional registration is used to protect works for which the lyrics and/or music are not yet finished.

However, SACEM cannot distribute any royalties with provisional registration. You should make a final submission once the work is complete.

Final submission

Final submission is for "completed" works, which are available to be used. This is the documentation that SACEM uses to distribute royalties.

What share should be indicated on the final submission?

Whether online or in hard copy, you must specify your role (songwriter, composer, publisher etc.) and indicate your percentage of the reproduction rights only (CDs, videos, etc.).

Shares for all the creators and publishers of the work must add up to exactly 100%.

Shares of rights for public performance (radio, television, concerts, shows, etc.) are statutory (article 57 of the SACEM General Regulations).

These comprise equal shares, ie:

  • ⅓ for the songwriter(s)
  • ⅓ for the composer(s)
  • ⅓ for the publisher(s)


If the work does not contain lyrics and there is therefore no songwriter, shares are as follows:

  • 2/3 for the composer(s)
  • 1/3 for the publisher(s)


If there is no publisher, the creators will receive 100% of the royalties divided into equal shares.  

What kind of submission for what kind of work?