Economic impact
Electronic music in France represents 416 million euros excluding taxes.

71% (295 million euros) comes from the turnover of clubs and discos and 11% (47 million euros) from the turnover of festivals. These two segments alone represent 82% of the economic impact.

5% (20 million euros) comes from the export of this music, 4% (16 million euros) from digital distribution on streaming and downloading platforms, 4% (15 million euros) from authors’ rights and related rights claimed for the broadcasting of works on TV and radio, 3% (13 million euros) from the distribution of physical media, 1% (5 million euros) come from rights claimed for background music for public areas and events and 1% (4.5 million euros) comes from domestic revenue for synchronizations.

The techno/house subset that we have set apart represents 98 million euros excluding taxes, or 24% of the total. The two main segments represent 92% of the impact of the set: 58% (57 million euros) come from the turnover of clubs representing 19% of the total turnover for clubs and discos for electronic music and 34% (34 million euros) from the turnover for festivals representing 72% of the total turnover for festivals for electronic music.
3% (3 million euros) comes from the export of this music, 2% (2 million euros) come from domestic revenue for synchronizations, 2% also (2 million euros) from digital distribution on streaming and downloading platforms and less than 1% (0.6 million euros) from the distribution of physical media.
Electronic music represents 17% of modern music.
The market for electronic music represents a total of 416 million euros excluding taxes, or 17% of the market for modern music.

This market is driven by live performance: The turnover of electronic music represents 35% of the turnover of clubs and discos. Electronic music festivals are 21% of the total turnover generated by modern music festivals.

As far as physical and digital distribution is concerned, consumption of electronic music differs from usages of other music. In the online music market, 7% of income from modern music comes from the digital distribution of electronic music. For physical media, this proportion drops to 3%.
The physical/digital split is once again specific in the electronic music field: the proportion of digital distribution for electronic music reaches 55% and even 71% for techno/house.

It should be noted that vinyl records are a flagship medium for electronic music. While they account for 5% of sales of modern music in physical media, vinyl represents 12% of sales of electronic music. It is even more relevant for techno/house with its leading share of 75% of sales in physical media.

- To read more consult the survey:
See more:
- What is electronic music?
- The ecosystem
- Festivals
- Clubs